Dedicated to the promotion and support of all the locally owned small businesses of the Lompoc Community
It is our belief that a strong local economy is dependent on the health of our locally owned small businesses. This committee sponsors several fun events throughout the year.

The journey for Shop Lompoc! Shop Small! started with Lompoc Cash Mob in February of 2012 as an effort to recognize and support locally owned businesses that give back to our community. Nine Lompoc Cash Mobs later the vision was to mob as many Lompoc small businesses as possible on Small Business Saturday for November’s Lompoc Cash Mob. A preliminary plan was put together which involved asking participating businesses to have a special promotion for the event and a list and map of the participating businesses would be provided to the shoppers. A meeting was scheduled and businesses were invited for input and to gauge interest. From the initial meeting the finalized plan of Shop Lompoc Small Business Saturday was born.
This event is now celebrated annually and is branded as Shop Lompoc! Shop Small! and has been joined by other events throughout the year to encourage shopping locally with small businesses everyday of the week. Thank you for joining us on this journey!