A Committee with a Purpose
The purpose of Leadership Lompoc Valley (LLV) is to identify and develop a diverse group of leaders with a special understanding of the Lompoc Valley and a solid foundation of leadership skills. The program is designed to meet this challenge by providing a vehicle to:
- Educate future leaders about a broad range of community needs and concerns
- Encourage informed individuals to serve the community in leadership roles of their choice
- Enhance leadership and management skills
- Create a spirit of cooperation for the resolution of future community challenges
- Ensure a continuing emergence of an improved quality of life in the community
- Develop a working network and support group of established and emerging leaders
Year One Curriculum
The program begins with an evening Kick-Off Mixer and retreat to introduce the class members to one another, the program, and the general concept of leadership. Participants explore the Lompoc Valley and network with local leaders through a series of hands-on monthly topic days held during normal business hours on Fridays from November through May. A complete schedule of participation dates is provided at orientation. Topic Days include speakers, expert panels, and tours of businesses and public agencies of the Lompoc Valley.
Topic day subjects include:
- Business & Economics / Media & Communications
- Health & Human Services
- Community Cultural Enrichment
- Public Safety / Local Government
- Education
- Military / Aerospace
- Agriculture
- PLUS A mid-year check-in
The program concludes with an evening graduation banquet with family members and special guests. Upon graduating, class members are encouraged to plan one or two Topic Days for the following year’s class, working in small groups, which requires participation on one or two additional Fridays the year after graduation.
Year Two Mentorship
In year two, we encourage you to serve as a mentor. Your presence is vital to ensure the incoming class receives proper guidance to successfully plan their topic days. We also ask that you support them as a contact for questions leading up to their topic days and in person on the actual topic day, to the degree possible. Other ways to support them include attending the kickoff reunion meet and greet mixer and the end of program graduation celebration. You may certainly participate more if you would like.
Selection of Participants
Participants are selected by the LLV Board of Trustees based on their commitment and interest in the community, as well as their interest in developing their leadership skills. The following attributes are desired:
- A sincere commitment, motivation, and interest in serving the community.
- Interest in seeking volunteer leadership roles, boards, commissions, or public office in the Lompoc Valley.
- Participants are expected to attend all scheduled sessions, unless unforeseen emergencies occur.
Financial Information
LLV’s class participant fee covers all program costs, including meals, orientation retreat and kick off banquet. Tuition may be paid by the participant or by their employer or local sponsor. Selected applicants will be invoiced; the fee is payable prior to the orientation retreat. A limited number of partial scholarships may be available.

Join Leadership Lompoc Valley
Joining Leadership Lompoc Valley is a fun way to engage with a variety of local organizations and gain a broad range of community needs and concerns while developing a working network and support group of established and emerging leaders.